Acton-Boxbrough Racial Justice Collaborative TAB training for Acton-Boxborough High School students

The TAB is sponsored by Danny's Place Youth Services; Acton-Boxborough United Way; and Fostering Racial Justice Group; of the Acton-Boxborough communities. This training is funded through a grant by CHNA 15, and is made possible by Determination of Need funds received from Lahey Hospital & Medical Center and Winchester Hospital.   Training Active Bystanders (TAB) […]

Acton-Boxbrough Racial Justice Collaborative TAB training for Acton-Boxborough High School students

The TAB is sponsored by Danny's Place Youth Services; Acton-Boxborough United Way; and Fostering Racial Justice Group; of the Acton-Boxborough communities. This training is funded through a grant by CHNA 15, and is made possible by Determination of Need funds received from Lahey Hospital & Medical Center and Winchester Hospital.   Training Active Bystanders (TAB) […]

Town of Lexington Community TAB Training

The TAB Training is sponsored by the Town of Lexington and the Human Rights Committee. It is open to residents of Lexington, MA, only. Space is limited Training Active Bystanders (TAB) teaches how bystanders can interrupt harmful situations and generate positive actions. TAB is a skill-building process that helps participants know when they are bystanders, […]

Acton-Boxbrough Racial Justice Collaborative TAB training for Acton-Boxborough High School students

The TAB is sponsored by Danny's Place Youth Services; Acton-Boxborough United Way; and Fostering Racial Justice Group; of the Acton-Boxborough communities. This training is funded through a grant by CHNA 15, and is made possible by Determination of Need funds received from Lahey Hospital & Medical Center and Winchester Hospital.   Training Active Bystanders (TAB) […]

Berry College, Georgia, TAB Training for College Community

Training is sponsored by Berry College, Rome, Georgia for students, faculty and staff of Berry College. Training Active Bystanders (TAB) teaches how bystanders can interrupt harmful situations and generate positive actions. TAB is a skill-building process that helps participants know when they are bystanders, to analyze situations, and evaluate consequences. TAB gives bystanders the competencies […]

Training Active Bystanders


TAB Training Presented By Quabbin Mediation, Massachusetts Training Active Bystanders (TAB) teaches how bystanders can interrupt harmful situations and generate positive actions.  This 2.5 hour workshop helps participants know when they are bystanders, to analyze situations, and evaluate consequences. TAB is a skill-building process that gives bystanders the competencies to create action plans in the […]


International Training Active Bystanders


International TAB Training Presented By Quabbin Mediation, Massachusetts, The Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) if Canada, and Independent Advocacy, United Kingdom Training Active Bystanders (TAB) teaches how bystanders can interrupt harmful situations and generate positive actions. This 2.5-hour workshop helps participants know when they are bystanders, to analyze situations, and evaluate consequences. TAB is a skill-building process […]


Training Active Bystanders


TAB Training Presented By Quabbin Mediation, Massachusetts Training Active Bystanders (TAB) teaches how bystanders can interrupt harmful situations and generate positive actions.  This 2.5 hour workshop helps participants know when they are bystanders, to analyze situations, and evaluate consequences. TAB is a skill-building process that gives bystanders the competencies to create action plans in the […]


Training Active Bystanders


TAB Training Presented By Quabbin Mediation, Massachusetts Training Active Bystanders (TAB) teaches how bystanders can interrupt harmful situations and generate positive actions.  This 2.5 hour workshop helps participants know when they are bystanders, to analyze situations, and evaluate consequences. TAB is a skill-building process that gives bystanders the competencies to create action plans in the […]


Training for Trainers (T4T)


The Training for Trainer (T4T) course takes 9 - 10 hours, and is done in three 3-hour sessions over three days.  Any one that has completed the 2.5-hour TAB workshop is eligible for the T4T. Trainers are community people who are interested in the TAB program and want to teach TAB to communities and organizations. […]


Training Active Bystanders – Community Workshop


TAB Training Presented By Quabbin Mediation, Massachusetts Training Active Bystanders (TAB) teaches how bystanders can interrupt harmful situations and generate positive actions.  This 2.5 hour workshop helps participants know when they are bystanders, to analyze situations, and evaluate consequences. TAB is a skill-building process that gives bystanders the competencies to create action plans in the […]
