Home > Lilliana Fellows
Lilly is class of 2023 at Smith College in Northampton. She graduated from Mahar Regional High School in 2019 and was a TAB trainer and a peer mediator throughout high school. When TAB was brought to her school, they saw a substantial decrease in the number of detentions and suspensions given out by administrators because the students now had the skill sets to solve issues between themselves. As a TAB trainer, she saw a decrease in bullying as well as an increase in inclusivity. Students also began standing up for themselves and others which created a higher level of confidence in many middle school students.
After becoming a TAB trainer, Lilly joined peer mediation, and became the president of both the student council and SADD club. She also became more empathetic and stronger in conflict resolution, which caused the relationships in her life to become more successful.
Now a Smith College psychology major, she is constantly using the tools she learned through TAB and applies her heightened leadership skills daily. She is trained on accident scene arrival and, because of TAB, she feels confident that she can push through the inhibitors that prevent people from acting. Lilly works in an off-campus restaurant and is part of the management staff because of her leadership skills. She is a head field hockey coach for the City of Northampton and multiple private programs. Lastly, Lilly is a consultant to Quabbin Mediation for youth programming, and is also a mediator and trains TAB trainers.